I Remember

I always pray the traditional version and translations as we have the MEMORÁRE in the tradition of the Church in either English (United States), Español (Spanish), or Latin when in public. However, I was inspired to translate an adapted version of the MEMORÁRE, which I have been praying the English (United States), as adapted, privately for many years. I was first inspired to translate the MEMORÁRE into Latin. Subsequently, I was inspired to translate the MEMORÁRE into Español (Spanish).

I relied heavily on prayer and some study when translating the adapted MEMORÁRE. I was surprised how much needed to change due to a couple of words. But the whole sentence structure needed to be changed because the adapted version to fit the more psychologically and theologically sound adapted version. In fact, the words that I chose before knowing the full history of the MEMORÁRE, as it is popularized now, includes words that were given to me in prayer as I worked on the Latin translation, diligently for several weeks, actually includes words from the original, longer version of a traditional prayer that the MEMORÁRE, as we know it, originated. It seems that some of these words were ‘resurrected’ from the original, longer version.

Many of the words are also like what is used in the current Latin and Español (Spanish) translations of the MEMORÁRE. What was even more amazing is that some of what is in the adapted version of the MEMORÁRE in English (United States) that I’ve been praying, privately for years is that the words are consistent with the exact words that Jesus told Saint Faustina in the message of Divine Mercy as well as other traditional songs that the Church established long before Vatican II and are rarely in use now. I found many other sources, including a translation of a Psalm from Saint Augustine that validated certain parts of my word study, including word order in Latin, and whether to include certain words that I believed needed to be in the Latin translation, which were different from some of the other ‘resurrected’ words. So, we might say that the adapted version of the MEMORÁRE, including my translations, is even bringing back tradition.

I certainly welcome feedback from the Polyglot and Latin scholar, Luke Ranieri. But I trust the diligent work that I’ve done. Any errors are my fault, and I will correct them. Since the adaptation and the translations are matters of private revelation, the adapted MEMORÁRE, is a private devotion and it may only be said privately. You may print copies of this webpage for your private, personal use only. You are also free to share the direct link with others. Printed copies will soon be made available for purchase in English (United States), Español (Spanish), and Latin. Other translations may follow. Accessibility options based upon a qualifying disability may also be made available if the request is reasonable.

MEMORÁRE – English (United States)

I REMEMBER, O most gracious Virgin Mary,
that never was it known that anyone who
fled to thy protection,
implored thy help,
or sought thy intercession was left unaided.
Inspired with this confidence,
I fly unto thee,
O Virgin of Virgins, my Mother;
to thee I come;
before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful.
O Mother of the Word Incarnate,
Look kindly upon my petitions,
And in thy mercy hear and answer me.


MEMORÁRE, O piíssima Vírgo María,
non ésse audítum a saéculo,
quémquam ad túa curréntem praesídia,
túa peténtem suffrágia, ésse derelíctum.
Ego táli animátus confidéntia,
ad te, Vírgo Vírginum, Máter,
cúrro, ad te vénio,
coram te gémens peccátor assísto.
O Máter Vérbi,
Benígne respíce precés méas,
et in misericórdia túa áudi et exáudi.

MEMORÁRE – Español (Spanish)

YO ACORDAOS, ¡OH piadosísima Virgen María!,
que jamás se ha oído decir
que ninguno de los que han
acudido a vuestra protección,
implorando tu auxilio,
haya sido desamparado.
Animado por esta confianza,
a Vos acudo, ¡oh Madre, Virgen de la vírgenes!,
y gimiendo bajo el peso de mis pecados
me atrevo a comparecer ante Vos.
¡Oh Madre de Dios!,
Mira con bondad mis súplicas,
y en tu misericordia escuchadas y ayúdame.

Original publication date 05.02.2023. Post last updated on 06.25.2023.

Adaptations, translations, notes, and typography Copyright © 2023 Gianna Elms, LCSW, LLC. All rights reserved.

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