FAQ-Read Me!

Common Questions on Mental Health & Spiritual Counseling

  • What methods of payment do you accept?
  • Do you charge by the hour?
  • What are your office hours?
  • Are you accepting new clients?
  • What are your office policies?
  • Do you have any advice for me to be successful in psychotherapy or spiritual counseling?

You may send cash (which ensures confidentiality), check, or money order by mail to: Gianna Elms, LCSW, LLC dba ForgivePrayLove, 2700 S. Woodlands Village Blvd., Suite 300-244, Flagstaff, AZ 86001 or pay via ACH transfer or with a credit card, via Square.

Generally, yes. My hourly rate is $175. Sessions are $250 per hour that start at or after 6:00pm my time. However, my hourly rate is prorated based on the time of day. I use 5-minute intervals with the fee rounded to the next highest $5; there is a minimum fee of $45.

There are additional fees for time and travel for some concierge (on-site) services, which start at a rate of $250 per hour for an individual who receives services through Project GIANNA or Forgiveness Therapy Academy. Fees tend to be higher for trainings provided to larger groups, and may include additional fees to include royalties that can be negotiated based on the size and scope of the event.

Additional fees apply for time spent over the scheduled time and for additional communications between sessions.

For clients already established in treatment, texts, emails, and voice-mails should be short-information and specific.

Monday-Saturday, by appointment.

Yes. Let’s talk about how I may be able to help you. Schedule a time to BOOK A CALL.

If you are considering starting treatment, I advise you to thoroughly review my Office Policies (Consent to Treatment) prior to contacting me to schedule an appointment.

If you only have a ‘brief’ question for advice, be sure to follow the instructions outlined in my Communications policy. This will ensure that you receive a response.

It is your responsibility to read my website, including to check for any relevant updates, prior to contacting me.

Anyone who seeks treatment by committing to do the work and is willing to pay for it, can be treated.

Note, carefully though that this is not about simply asking for help, casually. Many people who enter psychotherapy want the psychotherapist to “rescue” them or to “take care” of them. They don’t understand that effective psychotherapy and spiritual counseling is hard work, which requires them to take responsibility for their own lives. This is why very few are really willing to listen to what they hear in the process of psychotherapy in the Catholic mystic tradition, or even the advice of secular psychotherapists who have a genuine interest in their well-being, even if they think they want it.

Why? Because there’s a “part” of them that cannot take it. There’s a ”part” of them that doesn’t want to succeed, that doesn’t want to heal, and there’s a “part” of them that knows that others don’t want them to heal either. It’s easier, more comfortable, and less frightening than doing the hard work of psychotherapy, which requires that you be willing to explore your unconscious, recognize that you have emotions and name them, talk about transference and not hide, run away, or bolt when we get to the hard stuff, and that you be willing to replace hate with love.

You are free to talk about your sessions with anyone that you want to, however much you want about what happens in your sessions. But when you seek out private psychotherapy, there are really only two individuals who know exactly what happens in the sessions. One of the individuals is, of course, you and the other person is the psychotherapist who is treating you. The entire, psychotherapeutic experience, in my opinion, deserves a great deal of respect and reverence. When it is not treated as such, one of the main issues that comes up is “triangulation”, which is destructive to the therapeutic process. Still, it is your life, and you are free to tell anyone who will listen to you what you do with your life. You have been given the proper warning.

In other words, it’s important for you to trust the process and understand that perseverance is the final key to success.

If, however, you have a legitimate psychological safety concern, this should be discussed with your psychotherapist. Termination is always an option, and this should take place over a period of one to two sessions, without anger, so that you may return at any time. We can discuss more as part of an initial consultation.

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